For many companies in the chemical, building material or food industries, the efficient packaging of their palletized goods is a deciding competitive factor. Further crucial factors are process efficiency and cost reduction (energy and material consumption), as well as the system output (the number of pallets that can be packaged during a specific amount of time)
Disadvantageous of Stretch wrapping
-The stretch wrapping film’s elasticity allows solidifying the palletized goods during packaging. This technique, however, only provides little vertical tension force to the load, which is needed to provide stability for the transportation loads.
-This technique is not suited for materials with sharp edges, such as stones or bricks.
-Additional plastic film is required to protect the goods against environmental impacts and humidity. The film overlay prevents an optimal display of the products and bar codes and also because the film is wrapped, you cannot print on it.
-The film attracts dirt particles due to its adhesion properties and the products collect dust during longer storage periods. The film also does not offer any protection against theft, as unauthorized persons can remove goods from the pallet without ripping the film.
-Projecting film remnants can disturb the sensor system of the conveying technology or the rack feeders.
Stretch hood
-High transport security with stretch hoods
-Stretch Hood adapts to any product that is stacked on the pallet and similar to wrapping, the film is very elastic and
guarantees high load stability.
-The packaging film does not get glued to the product during the process.
-It is possible to pack the pallet both for high-bay storage systems and with under stretch.
-The smooth film surface ensures high visibility of the packaged goods.
-The used film is recyclable.
– Stretch hooding does not use heat, which reduces the fire hazard considerably, increases operational reliability and therefore minimizes insurance rates.
– Less film and energy are required, which mean being cost-effective and less damage to the environment.
– A sheet placed on the pallet offers additional protection on six sides against external influences with this packaging solution.
– It allows for a clean and dry outdoor storage, as goods are reliably protected against environmental impacts, humidity, insects and UV rays.